Table of Contents
Editorial Forma Civitatis: playing with meaning and form Alessandro Camiz
Articles From the fortifications to the strongholds. The modifications of the defensive culture of the city ancient Régime in relation to the birth of the modern governance of the territory. Maria Carolina Campone
The inner geography of hill-top towns A discussion on the effects of altimetry on configuration Valerio Cutini
Border, nomos, identity Stefano Lambardi
A methodical approach to the comparative study of planted towns in 13th century Meklenburg Martin Ebert
The Cerro de Pasco effect Eleonora Cecconi
Small towns and digital survey: virtualizing Castelvecchio Calvisio, Abruzzo, Italy Giorgio Verdiani, Andrea Leonardi, Stéphane Giraudeau
Book Reviews Richard Nemec: Die Ökonomisierung des Raumes. Planen und Bauen in Mittel- und Osteuropa unter den Nationalsozialisten 1938 bis 1945 Martin Ebert
Designing change, changing architecture Alessandro Camiz
Thesis Reading and designing the urban fabric of San Vito Romano Virginia Cosenza
Calls for papers Pandemics and the changing built environment Alessandro Camiz
Reports A Report on the 2020 ISAR International Architecture Summer School in Abruzzo Thomas Greene Rankin Cities in evolution: diachronic transformation of urban and rural settlements Alessandro Camiz |
International journal of urban and territorial morphological studies; Grünberg Verlag, Weimar-Rostock,; Print ISSN: 2748–2812; Online ISSN: 2748-3134

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