Historical correlation between pandemics, architecture and urban planning
The history of mankind has been characterized by dozens of epidemics and pandemics caused by unknown viruses, mostly of animal origin (zoonoses). In some cases, these emerged from the close coexistence of people and farm animals, later spreading through large urban agglomerations with high population density. The architecture and urban design of cities are witnesses of this process. Modern urbanism had to address the problems of cities in the late 19th century: tuberculosis, cholera, and all the other epidemics linked to overcrowding, promiscuity, and poor sanitary conditions, resulting from the economic and social transformations produced by the Industrial Revolution.
The challenges posed by the coronavirus require a reflection on its effects both at the residential and urban levels. In this respect, this work aims to study the connection between pandemics, architecture, and urban form throughout history to comprehend their interaction and develop strategies for the future.
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International journal of urban and territorial morphological studies; Grünberg Verlag, Weimar-Rostock, http://www.grunbergverlag.de/; Print ISSN: 2748–2812; Online ISSN: 2748-3134

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