The sanatorium typology, its relationship with nature and its influence on Berlins urban morphology
At the height of the Second Industrial Revolution towards the end of the 19th century, tuberculosis had spread across Europe. The cities were full of slums, which were inhabited by the masses who had poured in from the countryside. However, in this context of precarious conditions and frequent health crises, great progress was being made in science and technology, following the discoveries of Koch and Pasteur and the studies of Brehmers on the therapeutic role of climate and environment. As a result, the sanatorium became a building typology of spatial and functional experimentation, effective for the treatment of patients suffering from pulmonary diseases.
Many sanatoriums were built in Europe, one of the largest being the Beelitz-Heilstätten near Berlin. The sanatorium building was conceived as an instrument of therapy, incorporating the landscape and natural elements as treatment. The attention paid to the relationship with nature and the benefits of sunlight and healthy air for lung patients was transferred from the treatment areas to urban areas and ultimately included in social housing policies. These elements, along with green spaces, became part of typological experiments with great socio-spatial consequences.
In Germany, the Siedlungen consisted of one of these experiments, which led to the improvement of living conditions for the lower middle class. In the space of a few decades, Berlin went from unhealthy Mietkasernen to the Siedlungen, where green communal areas and private gardens became a part of people's lives in the city. This transformation was thanks to the commitment of authors such as Taut, Wagner Gropius, and Migge.
Through the comparative method, this contribution will analyse the settlement relationships of the 19th century health centers with their natural environment and how they influenced the spatial organization of contemporary cities. These experiments also provide architects with the opportunity to rethink the social role of architecture in helping to prevent future health crises.
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International journal of urban and territorial morphological studies; Grünberg Verlag, Weimar-Rostock,; Print ISSN: 2748–2812; Online ISSN: 2748-3134

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