Many cities changed elements of their urban form remarkably rapidly with the onset of COVID-19 in early 2020, which should cause us to rethink some of the long-held views of the processes and speed of urban change. This paper takes a wide view of factors influencing urban change, and applies them to considerations of the speed, nature and extent of changes seen during the COVID pandemic, particularly in 2020-2021. It draws on both observation and media coverage from the UK during that period, and the rapidly-increasing body of academic research since mid-2020. Much change was relatively small-scale and, even when positive and well-received, has proven to be very temporary, and has largely vanished from late 2022 onwards. The ultimate lessons from the pandemic-induced urban change are most likely to be that cities, even historic ones, need to build in more resilience; and that change is necessary, appropriate and deliverable.
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International journal of urban and territorial morphological studies; Grünberg Verlag, Weimar-Rostock, http://www.grunbergverlag.de/; Print ISSN: 2748–2812; Online ISSN: 2748-3134

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